Learn from Nature

         What have you done to Nature? Without realizing Nature is important thing that we have. We are nothing without nature. We live with nature and everything we do is always from nature. Nature is source of life, we can get benefit from the nature like we can get the view  from nature, we can get the real happiness if we use nature correctly, and we can get experience if we do something unforgettable. 
Related image    Something that we should remember is benefit from the nature. That’s too many benefit we can get from it. Nature is always be there, but not every person who understand the benefit from it. Mostly people think it just “the nature” even though they can get all of it from nature. The benefit can be obtained from anything. Some benefit we can get are like  plants, water, animal, and many more. Everything in this world absolutely beneficial, especially nature. So, we have to utilize anything that exist in nature. There are still many people who do not realize how to use nature correctly. There are still think that nature is for him/herself not for people around them. I don’t think that what I did was right. I am  just only human same with the other people, but we have to remind each other  as long as we can do that. Maybe we just have to remind each other because we always forget what we have done and what each other have done. We have to change our mind, we have to change our behavior, we have to change everything.
             As human we should think before we do anything because we usually forget what we have to do before. As human we should understand what is nature, for what, and how we use it because who people use nature is us and we should keeping it safely. If we use nature uncorrectly we can get impact which is not good. Everything in this world should we keep correctly because if not us who get the impact, who else?
            We have to learn from nature, we have to respect although it just “nature”. We didn’t know what will be happen in the future. What we are thinking is just what we are to do right now. No one who thinking the future, maybe not no one, but there just few people who think like that. That’s why we have to remind each other, not only the impact but also the benefit from the nature. If we can more care for nature, we can’t feel sorry because we can get the good impact for us.  No one in this world who want our nature is bad, we absolutely want our nature always good for to use. If we understand about nature we can learn everything from it. We can get many experience, we can feel comfortable if we always keep it safe, and we can take lesson from nature. For example we can learn from plants. It can be said that if we don’t want to maintain the plants we can get bad impact like we can get less oxygen and many more.
